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Rosabelle McConkey, MD


Dr. Rosie is a board-certified general pediatrician practicing in the Houston greater area since finishing residency in 2010.  She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Dr. Rosie strives to keep current with the ever-changing practice of medicine through study, conferences, and networking with peers and specialists.  Outpatient pediatrics appeals to her because of the mix of anticipatory-guidance of well checks and the management of acute illnesses.   The continuity of care and the ability to witness infants grow and develop into young adults are the rewarding aspects that drew her to a career in pediatrics.


"Wherever the art of medicine is loved,

There is also a love of humanity."





Pediatric Group Practice

Full-time general pediatrician in Cypress, TX practicing outpatient pediatrics, newborn nursery and inpatient care at affiliated community hospitals.  Well checks, ADHD management, acute and chronic illnesses as well as minor in-office procedures such as wound closure, foreign body removals, drainage of abscesses and wart removal.



Completed pediatric residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.  Training included acute care, NICU, PICU and newborn care at Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital and Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital.  Also trained at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in the acute care of pediatric oncology patients.  Outpatient management was learned at the Northwest Assistance Ministries Children's Clinic.



McGovern Medical School, University of Texas HSC at Houston

Doctor of Medicine, May 29, 2007


University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX

Bachelor of Arts in Chemsitry, May 26, 2001, Magna Cum Laude


Dr. Rosie knew she wanted to be a pediatrician since the tender age of ten. She is grateful to have so many role models through school, family and the community to shape and mold her through this journey. Along the way, she met her husband, David, in high school [Eisenhower H.S.--Go Big IKE!] but did not reunite until after college. He has been her rock through the rest of her path to becoming a doctor and beyond. Together they enjoy spending time with their kids, Thomas, Liam and Ellia. In her free time, she loves to craft, listen to show tunes, try new recipes, attempt DIY home projects and organize themed parties. 

T: 832.856.4600 |

Rosabelle McConkey, MD | Christina Tran, DO | Pediatrician | Katy, Texas

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